
Terms and conditions of “Discovery Flights” website


  1. The “Discovery Flights” website below: “The Website” – serves as an informative website as well as an e-commerce website for purchasing aviation services via the Internet or by phone.
  2. The use of the website is subject to the conditions detailed below which are constitutes an agreement between the website and the user. The user is asked to read these terms and conditions carefully as his rights and obligations are determined by it.
  3. User confirmation in the margins of the terms and conditions (by clicking “I agree to terms and conditions”) constitutes absolute and irrevocable consent on the part of the user to everything stated in the terms and conditions and to this that he and/or anyone on his/her behalf have any claim and/or demand directly and/or indirectly against Discovery Flights and/or any of its owners and/or any of its managers and/or on their behalf, except according to detailed in the terms and conditions.
  4. Discovery Flights reserves the right to change at any time what is stated in these terms and conditions and any such changes
    will be valid from the date of inclusion of the change on the website. The binding regulation for each order are the regulations that appears on the website terms and conditions when placing the order.
  5. Browsing the website and/or purchasing a product and/or service through the website and/or through the call center leading to it constitutes your agreement to accept and follow the terms and conditions and therefore, read these terms and conditions in full and carefully.
  6. It is not possible to make a purchase through the website and/or through the call center unless the payer is at least 18 years old.
  7. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions and/or the booking agreement detailed therein, you are asked not to make any use of the website. Browsing the website and/or making purchases by you, signifies your agreement to accept and follow the terms and conditions.


  1. When possible, the company takes photos and/or videos of the customers on the mobile phone. Afterward the photos and/or the video is given as a gift.
  2. Sometimes due to conditions that are not ideal the photo and/or the video does not turn out well.
  3. The company will not be responsible in any way for the quality of the photographs and/or videos.

Ownership and retention of rights

  1. The website, the trademarks included in it and any other model related to it are the private exclusive proprietary of Discovery Flights or if other commercial entities are advertised in it, of
    the same bodies. The user of this website is not authorized to make changes to the details of the information, the software, products and/or services and/or anything else on the site and is not allowed to copy, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publish, sell and/or make any use, directly and/or bypassing, in information and/or in anything else available on the site, unless permission was given in advance and written by Discovery Flights.
  2. The user declares that he knows that the website and all the information found in it, its form and design are the sole property of Discovery Flights or to the extent published by other publishers, the property of these advertisers.

Rescheduling and cancellation

  1. Cancellation of transactions will be done in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law 1981. Cancellation and change
    transaction (hereinafter: the “Consumer Protection Law”). If all the conditions listed below are met (without exception from the rule) a reduced cancellation fee of 5% of the transaction price or NIS 100 will apply according to the lowest among them:
  1. The order was placed via telephone or internet directly by the consumer as defined by him In the Consumer Protection Law) “Consumer” – a person who buys an asset or receives a service engaged in the process his occupation is for use that is mainly personal, domestic or family.
  2. The reservation was made seven days or more (which are not rest days) from the departure/experience date.
  3. The consumer cancelled the order in writing within 5 days of placing the order.
  4. The cancellation is made at least 3 days that are not rest days before the departure date.
  5. The consumer will be charged a 13% cancellation fee after ordering. If not cancelled 24 hours until the actual flight date will be charged at 50% of the purchase value.
  6. Cancellation in writing must be sent to the email sales@discovery-flights.co.il , a number must be specified
    Phone for a call back by our representatives.
  7. Any case of cancellation/modification of the order will be made by written notice only and subject to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law. The determining cancellation/ change date will be the date of receipt of the email at the Discovery Flights offices. If the day of receipt of the notice is a day of rest, the day of cancellation/change will be considered the first day after the day of rest. The cancellation will only take effect if the passenger has received a cancellation confirmation from a Discovery Flights representative.
  1. Flying pregnant women:
  2. A pregnant passenger will not fly, unless she has signed, in two copies, a statement that she is healthy, is allowed to fly and assumes any responsibility for her health condition.
  3. Declaration form of a pregnant passenger – see document below.
  4. The declaration form will be filled out and signed by the passenger in 2 copies – the original will be kept by the company and the copy will be given to the passenger.

Declaration of a pregnant passenger

I am the HM ________________ ID number _____________
From address:_________________________________
hereby declares and confirms that:
1. I agree to release “Discovery Flights” from any responsibility in the event of death, injury, bodily harm or worsening of my health as a result of being pregnant while being transported on the company’s planes.
2. I undertake to indemnify “Discovery Flights” and/or anyone on its behalf if a claim is filed by a third party in relation to my obligations detailed in section 14 above.



Privacy policy

  1. Discovery Flights respects the customer’s privacy and makes the best to protect it. We recommend to review the website’s current privacy policy which can change from time to time.

Additional conditions

  1. The presentation of the products and/or services on the website does not constitute an expression of opinion regarding their nature.
    The images of the products and/or services on the website are for illustration purposes only and there may be differences between
    the images displayed on the website, some or all, and the products and/or services sold in practice.
  2. A pen error was made in the description and/or price of the product and/or service displayed on the website, will not oblige
    the matter is Discovery Flights, but Discovery Flights will be entitled to cancel the transaction.
  3. Discovery Flights will not be responsible for the content published in the links on the website and the leads to other websites that can be reached through the same link.
  4. Discovery Flights and/or anyone on its behalf will not be responsible and will not bear any direct, indirect, consequential or special damage caused to the user or a third party, as a result of use or purchase through the website, not according to these regulations, whatever the cause of action may be.
  5. Any information and/or display that appears on the website, including graphics, design, verbal presentation, trademarks, logos, as well as the editing and presentation of these, are the exclusive property of Discovery Flights and/or someone on its behalf. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish or use in any other way the contents appearing on the website unless Discovery Flights has given its consent to this, in writing and in advance.
  6. Discovery Flights will be entitled to cancel a transaction and/or sale in whole or in part:
  1. In the event that there is a pen error in the offer, either in the price of the product or in the description of the product
  2. If no bids are received for the products/services offered for sale.
  3. If it turns out that there was a communication malfunction and/or other technical problem that prevented users
    The ability to add and participate in the sale properly.
  4. In case of force majeure (including weather), air traffic constraints such as operational activity or training of the Air Force, acts of war, hostility or terrorism that prevent the continuation of the sale, performing it or participating in the sale properly.
  5. If it becomes clear to Discovery Flights and/or someone on its behalf that the buyer may return and sell the product or service he bought to a third party and/or trade it.
  6. If the customer did not confirm his flight 48 hours before the scheduled date.


  1. The interpretation and enforcement of these regulations and/or any action or conflict arising from it, will be done in accordance to the laws of the State of Israel.
  2. In any case of a legal dispute, the Israeli courts will have unique local authority discuss the claim.
  3. It is agreed and clear that any dispute will be conducted in the court in the city of Herzliya.
  4. The regulations were last updated on 08/14/2023 and can be changed at any time by
    Discovery Flights and at its sole discretion.
  5. Company address: 10 Asher Barash, Herzliya, zip code: 4636605
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